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Random July 10, 2008

Posted by jaspie85 in Uncategorized.

Zz.. stupid renovation woke me up this morning.. Felt like strangling the person who’s doing the drilling.. Nothing much happening lately.. just the usual gymming, swimming, revising, and nuaing.. haha.. oh.. I just became a tutor too.. to think that my cousin is my first student.. haha.. Hopefully the stuffs I’ve learnt are still kept inside my rusty brain.. zz..

Anyways.. Had a impromptu dinner at Ikea with Tengyi, Jing and Chi Xian on Tuesday nite.. Renovation is still on-going though, but the restaurant has been renovated.. Missed the food there since the last time I went back in April.. Its nice to have dinner with the TSKs.. though Jo and Evan weren’t around.. Felt something amiss though.. maybe cos of their absence.. haha.. Jing gave us three some stuffs that she bought from her Taiwan trip.. some R(A) stuffs haha.. which are edible.. tsk tsk.. and a cute stack of poker cards.. we ended up playing Big2 at the restaurant hah.. well.. looking forward to my taiwan trip too.. as well as the gathering of the TSK with full strength..


1. jing - July 10, 2008

now ure Li Lao Shi too (:

2. Jo - July 10, 2008

Awww, we are missing you too 🙂 Have a great time at TW, dont forget about me and Evie ah! *HINT* 😀

3. jaspie85 - July 12, 2008

haha of cos wun miss u 2… =D
li lao lao shi i am hahah

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